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"Silky" Road

8 Things That Happen If You Eat Hunan Chinese Food

8 Things That Happen If You Eat Hunan Chinese Food

Super yummy and delicious. Our Hunan Chinese food has your name on it. Our customers enjoy our dishes, but many of them do not know about the origins of Silky Kitchen, or the immediate benefits of eating at our restaurant.

In Chinese culture, there number eight is associated with luck. Here are eight things that instantly, possibly happen when you regularly eat at our restaurant.

You Can Fly – Our noodles will fill you with superpowers. Did you know that when you chow down on our dishes, you are partaking in and joining a Chinese legacy? As in many Chinese myths, you will notice that you’ll be able to travel great distances with little effort.

Stylish – Our dishes are stylish and this will instantly make you more fashionable. Our noodles are long. You will instantly have drip and unlimited swag.

Wealth – Hunan Chinese food will clear your thoughts. You’ll immediately find new clarity and the ability to conjure up money making ideas.

Sex Appeal – Our insane levels of spice will also make you immediately more attractive to other people. Our spice will increase the vibrancy of your skin and you’ll notice how many people are interested in you.

Predict the Future – Our spice levels will also affect your cognitive abilities. You’ll find yourself looking into the future, seeing yourself surrounded by bowls of delicious noodles.

New Friends – Did we mention that we typically attract some of the best and most interesting people in New York City? When you eat our food, you’ll find yourself connecting with new people.

Superhuman Speed – When you eat our food, you’ll be able to run faster than before. We’ll share a secret, the Chinese Olympic team eats spicy Hunan noodles. This is actually their secret dietary weapon.

You’ll enjoy your meal – Even if you don’t fly, if you don’t have superhuman powers or are able to see into the future if you join us, you’ll find yourself enjoying delicious food.