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Here’s Why Spicy Chinese Food is Good For Your Health

Here’s Why Spicy Chinese Food is Good For Your Health

With the increase of Chinese immigrants in the city, many New Yorkers are seeking out authentic Chinese food restaurants, for taste and health benefits. Authentic Chinese food is quick and a healthy fast food option. In particularly, spicy Chinese food, which offers unique health benefits.

Health Benefits of Chinese Food

Authentic Chinese food dishes are designed with nutrition in mind. This is why obesity is not a problem in China. Unlike the West, Chinese dishes don’t rely on sugar. There is also a balance between vegetables and meat portions which are usually sold in smaller portions.

Chinese dishes are also designed with the Yin and Yang philosophy. The Yin portion of the dish will cool you down and the Yang side will warm your palette. This balance helps with digestion.

One of the primary health benefits that Westerners may enjoy is the absence of dairy in the design of most dishes, which may particularly be of interest to people who are vegetarian or vegan. Traditional Chinese food dishes concentrate or put a focus on vegetables, rice, and noodles.

The small portions of meat, are a complement to the carbohydrates provided with rice or noodles. Unlike dishes from the west, where meat is the focus of the dish.

An additional health benefit are the spices. Many provinces in China are known for the use of spice, and this isn’t specifically for taste. In many instances, spicy Chinese food dishes are designed for digestion and the environment.

Spicy Chinese Food Health Benefits

Although spicy dishes are enjoyed throughout China, there is an emphasis in Central China. Hunan and Sichuan are known for their spicy dishes.

Xiang Cuisine, found in Hunan, relies on hot peppers, green onion, and vinegar used to create the dishes. The vinegar lowers blood and cholesterol levels, making Hunan Chinese food great for people who have high blood pressure.

Dishes from Sichuan province rely on peppercorns that are filled with vitamins. These vitamins help with blood circulation and assist with digestion.

The Elements

We’ve pointed out, that Spicy Chinese food offers tremendous benefits beyond taste. In Hunan, spicy dishes are designed to combat the elements or the weather. Even in the summer, spicy dishes are used to cool the body.

Although spicy dishes are good at any time of the year, Hunan spice is internal, warming the body, and New Yorkers might want to keep this in mind during the cooler or cold weather.


  1. […] C. We pointed out, previously, that many of our dishes assist with digestion, and the way that Hunan dishes are designed, they create an internal warmth, that sustains the body in cold temperatures. You’ll find that a dish a Silky Kitchen will […]