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5 of the Top Chinese Dishes in America

5 of the Top Chinese Dishes in America

Chinese food has become one of the most popular types of food in the United States. There are almost 45,000 Chinese restaurants in America. That’s more than all of the McDonalds, KFCs, Pizza Huts, Taco Bells and Wendy’s combined. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most popular Chinese dishes in America, and provide some history on their background.

A Brief History of Chinese Food in America

Chinese people came to America in the 19th century, searching for gold. They brought their culture along with them and prospectors were immediately drawn to their affordable and tasty dishes.

Chinatowns in New York City and San Francisco grew, as Chinese workers could not find work on their railroads. The restaurant business in these Chinatowns was created, to cater to Chinese immigrants and Americans.

It wasn’t until 1965 when changes in American immigration allowed more Chinese to come to America and bring authentic Chinese dishes with them. When President Nixon visited China in 1972 and could be seen eating Chinese food on television, there was an immediate frenzy for Chinese food in America.

Several decades later, Chinese food is engrained in American culture. Here are the most popular dishes

Popular Chinese Dishes

General Tso Chicken – According to Grubhub, this sweet fried chicken dish is the most popular Chinese food in America. It’s also unhealthy, considering that it is deep-fried and the recipe demands tons of sugar.

The book, CHOP SUEY, by Andrew Coe, mentions that the dish was created by a chef named Peng, who worked in Taiwan, where his cooking skills were noticed by General Chiang Kai-shek. Peng admitted that he named the dish after the military hero from Hunan. Many young and apprenticing chefs took Peng’s dishes to America and other countries. Peng himself would open a restaurant in New York before returning to Taiwan in 1984.

The recipe for making General Tso chicken can be found here.

Egg Rolls — Almost every American has had an egg roll. These tasty appetizers are found in almost every Chinese restaurant and have birth vegetarian alternatives. Where do they come from? Believe it or not, Egg Rolls may, in fact, be an American Chinese invention. In the book CHOP SUEY, the author suggests that they were created in New York City in the 1930s, as part of the cuisine restaurants created to cater to Americans.

A recipe for making Egg Rolls can be found here.

Wonton Soup – A very popular soup, made of dumping like snacks made of dough and filled with meat, chicken or vegetable. The wonton can be dated back to the Tang Dynasty. The main difference between wontons and dumplings is the dough, with the later usually thicker.

Wonton soup varies by region and most Americans, especially in New York City, have been accustomed to Shanghai Wonton Soup. If you’d like to put a spin on wontons, you can find the recipe here.

Roast Duck – When President Nixon went to China in 1972, he admitted that Peking Duck was his favorite meal. Chinese restaurants in the United States immediately changed their menus to meet the demands of Americans who wanted to try Chinese duck.

The southern alternative, Roast Duck, which is from Hong Kong, is much more affordable and has become the favorite of Americans. Many Chinese restaurants in America are known to hang duck in their windows, attracting customers.

If you’d like to try making Roast Duck, you can find the recipe here.

Kung Pao Chicken – Known in China as gōngbǎo jīdīng (宫保鸡丁), this dish has become an America favorite. This Sichuan dish was made popular by an official who came across the dish while visiting an acquaintance. Once he had the recipe, it spread throughout the province. The dish was even referenced by a song by Chinese American singer David Zee Tao, who said: “Happiness is like a plate of hot and spicy gōngbǎo jīdīng.” You don’t have to be from Sichuan to make this dish. If you’d like to try your version, you can find the recipe here.

The Future of Chinese Food in America

As more Chinese immigrants enter the United States, there is bound to be an influx of new food and popular Chinese dishes will change. As the media reports on the rise of authentic Chinese food, there is bound to a new favorite on the horizon.